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Monday, April 5, 2010

Great Authors Webinar

I'm pleased to announce a wonderful 7-week webinar called, Great Authors hosted by Vision Forum.  It is a online seminar featuring live lectures from seven leading authors discussing their book. The speakers and their books included in the webinar are the following:

 This looks like it will be one wonderful webinar. Perfect for the whole family.

What Vision Forum has to say about it on its site.

Gather your family for seven engaging evenings of learning online as part of Vision Forum’s exclusive Great Authors Webinar Series. Hear live lectures from seven leading authors discussing their timely books, and engage in interactive Q&A — all part of an intimate online discussion with your favorite Christian authors. A valuable supplement to any home school program, this special webinar series offers a great opportunity for families to study important subjects together — a powerful educational tool for home education, church, and family.

The books discussed by our authors will include a mix of classics and new-release titles, and each session will be broadcast live from 8-9:30 pm Central Time on Thursdays, starting April 15 and ending May 27. The first hour will feature a special presentation from that week’s author, summarizing the key points of his book, with the last half-hour devoted to interactive Q&A between the author and webinar attendees.

A single Great Authors Webinar Series registration purchase allows your entire family to listen in and submit questions during each session’s Q&A. This is a unique opportunity for you to hear from and personally engage with key Christian authors via the web concerning critical topics that will help your family to be better equipped to live as faithful believers in our day.

And if your schedule does not permit you to listen in on one or more of the live sessions, don’t worry! Each session will be recorded and placed in a password-protected archive online, where you can login and listen to the session(s) you missed.

Register here.  You can also enter a giveaway for the chance to win a free pass for the webinar at Ladies Against Feminism



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