Celebrity Photos Fashion

Saturday, August 22, 2009

M5525 - Black Plaid Wool Coat

Pattern Description: MISSES’ AND WOMEN’S LINED JACKETS, COATS AND BELT: Semi-fitted, lined, double-breasted jacket and coat have collar, lengths and sleeve variations, shoulder pads, princess seams and side front pockets; coats B, D and E have back vent; jackets A, C, coats B, D, E have belt carriers; jacket C, coat E have epaulets with button closure; coat E has pocket flaps with button trim; jacket C, coat E have collar tab; jacket C has front yoke; jacket C, coat E have back buttoned yoke; coats B, E, jacket C have sleeves with button bands; jackets A, C, coats B, D, E have topstitch trim, button closure; jackets A, C and coats D, E have self-tie belt.
Pattern Sizing: I cut a size 10
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes!
Were the instructions easy to follow? Super Easy!
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I love this pattern - super cute and so stylish! It will be perfect for my trip to London - if isn't too warm! :-)
Fabric Used: Vintage lightweight Wool from Hudson's for the outer fabric. I'm thinking the fabric is from the 1970s. I just used a bunch of special occasion fabric scraps for the lining. Makes for a very colorful inside! :-)
Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made: I didn't add the buttons! I think it looks fine with out them.
Would you sew it again? Yes.
Would you recommend it to others? Sure!
Conclusion: Stylish Jacket and so fun to wear!
Cost of Project: Free! The wool was given to me and everything else was in my stash.


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